4 Video Marketing Trends of 2023 Company Owners Must Know

Nowadays, from small to big, almost every company collaborates with digital marketing companies to start online campaigns for business growth. They also contact professional video production companies to make unique videos to establish brand awareness.

Nowadays, the demand for video production is increasing daily because people love to know more about a company or product through videos. As per the research conducted in 2020, approximately 244.4 million people watched digital videos and their popularity is still skyrocketing.

These days, videos are used to entertain people, and companies use them as a tool to reach the target audience. Research also shows that four in 10 people watch videos before purchasing products from companies. This article discusses the current video marketing trends and how small businesses use them as their marketing strategies.

Why Do Companies Need to Opt for Video Marketing?

Making videos from time to time not only helps to achieve the targeted audience but also increases online visibility. There are various types of videos, including courses, live videos, webinars and self-hosted videos.

Generally, the companies broadcast their videos either on social media or YouTube. Remember that B2B and B2C companies can use such videos to generate organic leads and increase popularity. To get unique and quality videos for your business, hire a popular video production company.

What are the Advantages of Opting for Video Marketing?

  • Increase sales

  • Enhance the brand awareness

  • Help to increase the lead generation

  • Generate traffic

What are the Current Video Marketing Trends That are Used By Video Production Companies?

Search-Optimized Videos

Nowadays, video SEO has become more popular due to its various advantages. Since the SEO experts tactfully optimize the videos, they are shown at the top of search engines so customers can find them easily.

Live Videos

Thanks to Facebook users, live videos are more common nowadays than any other type of trend. Small to medium enterprises take the opportunity to do live videos to reach the targeted audience. Generally, companies use live videos for the following reasons,

  • They want to show their audience about their journey behind a service.

  • Want to share live events with their followers.

  • Also, conduct question and answer sessions to solve all the customer’s queries.

Interactive AR Content

Nowadays, it has become easy for companies to develop quickly because of AR. Companies can utilize various benefits from manufacturing to e-commerce. They get better user engagement, accelerated sales and unique product experiences. But despite that, numerous companies are still unable to detect the financial benefits.

Educational Videos

You may not know, but educational videos are called instructional videos. It is one of the exciting and engaging ways to interact with your potential customers. The users can understand how to use the products or services and get the advantages through educational videos.

Remember that before sharing educational videos, you should consider the scope and which things to share. Also, make the video based on only one product or service. Discussing several products may confuse the clients and reduce your reach.

The Professional Help You Need

Other popular video marketing trends include behind-the-scenes videos, atomizing videos, interactive virtual events and animated videos. Regardless of the types of video trending, you should always prefer reliable video production companies to get the benefits quickly.

Only specialists with years of experience can understand which video type suits your company and help reach the targeted audience. However, if you want to increase brand awareness of your company, contact us at High Five Media in OKC.


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