5 Dearly Held Blogging Secrets for Your Med Spa

Medical spas entered the internet, particularly blogging and social media space, since 2013. With the need for medical beauty treatments around the world, medical aesthetic niche of beauty and wellness has become one of the popular ways to start a new venture for many.

Today, many med spas around the world have employed blogging as a critical marketing tool. Eager to start blogging for your med spa? Sit tight! We are about to spill 5 top secrets to running a successful medical spa blog as suggested by our content marketing firm experts.

Choose A Niche

It is painstakingly common to find blogs with the keyword ‘best medical spa’. When a client searches for best med spas, it pulls up thousands of results from across the globe. This is not ideal if you want your blog to rank near the top. What should you do to make sure your business is featured on the first page of Google?

The solution is simple. Narrow down your niche. Adding a location to your keyword can do miracles for your ranking and traffic. For example, ‘best med spa parlor in OKC’ is going to garner a lot more readers.

Maintain Consistency

Posting consistently is one of the key requirements for blogging. One post every week is good enough if you are just starting out. With time and google analytics to aid you, you will soon recognize patterns. Play around with your posting schedule a bit and figure out which day of the week and which time slot works best for you. Hiring a reliable content marketing firm is also another wiser ways to track your Google’s ranking.

Follow Good Blogging Practices

  • Headers

Remember that a blog’s technical aspects are what drive its ranking potential. Most content management systems have blog header technology. The headers come as ‘H1’, ’H2’, ‘H3’, and so on. These header tags, let google know what your blog is about. The headers should be informative but crisp and readable. You will find many tools on the internet that help you write the perfect headline.

  • Keyword(s)

A huge chunk of the efforts behind optimizing your blog should be concentrated on keywords. A good blog should have a keyword density of around 1-1.5%, i.e. roughly 7-10 times in a 1000 word article. You should also try inserting the keyword in the blog title, headers, and metadata to reinforce your topic.

  • Metadata

Set up a custom metadata for your blog, preferably with a couple of keywords thrown in. Don’t leave the CMS’ autogenerated content in the meta description. Write it yourself such that it is attractive and accurate. Remember a meta description should be written within 160 characters.

Don’t Blog for Blogging's Sake

When posting a blog, it is important to meet the technicalities but do remember to weave in value in your content. If you are writing a blog on the medical spa, make sure your writing reflects the quality of services you provide. Plan your content ahead and take time to come up with content that is of value to its readers.

It is also worth mentioning here the importance of originality and authentic writing style. Be honest with the information you provide. Suppose a laser treatment has a particularly long downtime, don’t shy away from including the information in your blog.

Contact Information Should Be Readily Available

The final part of a successful blog should be the Call To Action and contact information. Keep in mind that if the reader has to fumble around for your contact details they are probably going to give up. Add an easily accessible contact us section in your blog for better conversion rates (conversion from reader to client).

Hire our Talented Marketing Experts

Drafting a quality blog requires a lot of things. Apart from a good understanding of the components of the blog, a proper marketing firm experts are needed. Contact the High Five Media in OKC if you are looking for expert writers to frame your blog just the way you want.


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