5 Factors to Optimize for Web Design & SEO

If you want to see your business rank on the first page of the search results, you must ensure a few things properly. When your website nails down SEO & website design at the same time, it makes your business possible to get higher rank. As a result, it brings in more traffic, revenues and leads. Since your website is the center of your digital marketing world, you must make sure it looks shiny and brings in customers.

Importance of SEO & Web Designing

Design refers to a visual aspect, whereas SEO affects how a site is found. Although you cannot expect an SEO service expert to do the Web designing task, together (SEO and web design) they can bring a significant impact on your company’s bottom line.

Factors to Optimize for Web Design & SEO

When it comes to basic design elements of your site, a designer can only determine them. Here are a few important things to keep in mind for SEO purposes:

  • Mobile-Friendliness

It’s found that a large number of internet users access sites through their smartphones and other mobile devices. Whether you live in OKC or any other place, it’s essential to hire a Web design company and tell them what needs to be done. Since mobile-friendliness is a ranking factor in Google, responsive design can help you rank higher in the search results.

  • Legibility

Designers primarily focus on non-textual elements of your site. It’s essential they choose easy fonts and sizes which will ultimately increase the legibility to your readers. You can also hire a professional SEO service to add a lot of informative as well as optimized contents to rank well in the search results.

  • Images

If you think copy is the only thing that needs to be optimized, you’re wrong. Your designers should adhere to the best practice while uploading images to your site.

  • File Size

Large as well as quality images can look visually appealing. But your designers should keep the file size as small as possible. Since large files can affect your site’s page loading ability, this will provide a poor user experience and damage the rankings at the same time.

  • Navigation

When it comes to a great user experience, navigation plays the most important role. Easy-to-use navigation will not confuse your users. They can enjoy an even and smooth operation all the way thereby, bringing your good results.

Hire the Best SEO Web Design Company

If you’re skipping SEO Web design, you’re only costing your company’s valuable time, money and rankings at the same time. Smart business owners have already started incorporating SEO and Web design together in search of great results. That’s why you should prefer High Five Media. We’re the best when it comes to setting your business apart. Find us today.


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