A Beginner's Guide to Programmatic Advertising

Briefly put, people can buy and optimize digital campaigns automatically through programmatic advertising, rather than buying directly from publishers. The experts designed this application to replace human negotiation with AI-optimization and machine learning. The goal of this advertising is to increase transparency and efficiency for both the publisher and the advertiser.

The entire process is done by using real-time auctions where the experts bring the ads at the same time as a visitor loads a website. However, if you want to spread your business all over the country within a short time, then contact popular advertising agencies in OKC immediately. Read this article to know more about programmatic and how it works.

Who Can Use Programmatic Advertising?

It is one way for business owners to advertise their company on digital screens. The experts bought and sold the digital before programmatic ad buying ads manually which was unreliable and costly.

As the publishers enable native ads on their websites, therefore, programmatic advertising has reached new heights. The publishers embrace programmatic native advertising because ad blockers do not affect this ad space compared to other ad types and platforms.

How Does Programmatic Advertising Work?

Generally, programmatic ads connect the advertiser who wants to buy the ad space for promoting their brand to publishers who have websites with ad space. Keep in mind that an advertiser contacts their programmatic ad agency if they want to launch a digital campaign to promote their product. The agency uses a demand-side platform to pursue the buying ad impressions process automatically to meet the goal of the campaign.

A DSP allows advertising agencies and advertisers to buy ad space from multiple publishers. It also makes sure that the ads are targeted at the right audience. Keep in mind that DSP continues the process by using a data management platform that manages audience data. This type of data helps to target the right audience and consider various factors including demographics, user behavior, location and online activity.

Contact us

There is no doubt that the future of programmatic advertising is bright and this is the right time to get in on a rising trend. If you want to learn more about this, contact OKC advertising agencies. You can also consult with the experts of High Five Media because we provide a self-service programmatic platform and you can be set up with your campaign in minutes.


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