Does WordPress Follow GDPR Compliance?

The GDPR is a law by European Union and it has been enacted since May 25, 2018. The primary objective of GDPR is giving control to the EU citizens on their personal data and changing the data privacy approach all over the world. Being a web development company, you must have received tons of emails and notifications from Google and others on GDPR mentioning new privacy policy and other legal facts.


After May 25, 2018, the organizations that do not follow GDPR compliance may have to face huge fines that may go up to 4% of the company’s yearly global revenue. This is enough to make the organizations all over the world to be GDPR compliant.

Does a Wordpress Site Need GDPR Compliance?

It has the potential to escalate the non-compliant organizations but it would start with a warning, followed by reprimand, data processing suspension. If thereafter you continue to violate the law, you would be charged with a huge fine.

What Should Be under GDPR?

The GDPR protects personal information and data and checks the business when they collect, store or use data. The personal data can be, name, email address, IP information, health and income information and more.

Explicit Consent-Once you are collecting data from an EU citizen, you must have their consent. More specifically, you cannot send them unsolicited emails upon having their business cards and email address. If they opt to get newsletter from you, you can send them emails.

Rights to Data –You should inform individuals about the data processing. They must know where, how and why their data is stored and protected. The individuals must have the right to delete their personal data or can ask to delete data.

Is WordPress GDPR Compliant?

The WordPress is GDPR compliant. The core team of the WordPress has made sure to keep it GDPR compliant. You must remember when you are talking about GDPR and WordPress, we mention the self-hosted wordpress.

At High Five Media we make sure to develop websites that are GDPR compliant. In OKC, make your search for a web development company and end it at us.


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