How Can GEO Marketing and Targeting Help in ROI?

Many advertisers from advertising agencies in OKC have been trapped in the mass media era. You want to reach as many people as possible with the idea that the more people you reach your audience. Nonetheless, in the digital era, this kind of broadcast advertising is unnecessary. Instead of struggling to find your audience in larger groups, you can target it geographically, demographically, and by interest. Here are several ways in which geo-targeting and a set of best practices will boost the ROI to execute a geo-targeted strategy.

Local SEO Boost

Web users expect local Google and Bing results and tailor their search queries to produce geo-specific results. Google reported, for example, that one third of all mobile searches is local.

Creative Ads

You can also create relevant ads to attract customers with Geo-targeting. Think of a who has offices in Oklahoma City. Cities are more than two hours away, and it is unlikely that people will drive so far for cleaning routines. Through making two separate commercials for similar geo-targeting campaigns, dentists may create special advertising for customers. Publics are more likely to pay attention because they only see the position nearby.

Quality Traffic

You will start to see good traffic in your website when you build a geo-targeting strategy for your marketing campaigns. This traffic will affect your ROI instantly. Good traffic means more leads and more sales – increasing the investment return.

Tips for Using Geo Location Information


Stadiums or airports or universities and malls are examples of specific sites to be targeted to reach specific groups of interest. Stadiums provide an excellent opportunity to focus with an audience defined by this event on specific short commitment events. They often host fans from two particular towns or schools or fans of a particular kind of music that is heavy in a demographic area. For example, a band like One Direction is likely to attract female fans of school age.

Exclude a Few Locations

You can not only define an area to be reached but can also develop an area to be excluded. Exclusion can be made by location or one side of the street or any specific area.

For example, clubs and bars that may otherwise target university students may exclude this area during breaks or during the summer, when most students are away.

Bidding Adjustment

One problem with particular targeting is the lack of audience size. Even if you have an otherworldly click rate of 10%, it's only 10 clicks if only 100 people are looking at your ad.

In low-level locations, campaign costs can outweigh the business developed from these areas. By increasing your bid for more desirable target locations, your exposure in that area is increased and lowered bidding in other areas keeps your reach wide at a reasonable cost. Such improvements are a way to improve ad efficiency.

Audience According to Geography

Geography can also be used to predict desirable population data and user information in this field. Residents’ income class, gender, race, education and many other demographic or interest can often be identified in communities. Politicians often draw district borders into areas of common political circles that also predict population or common values.

Location-Specific Landing Pages

In addition to targeting the right consumers, it is important to provide them with the most relevant information. If you find the right user to click on your ad, but the landing page is not customized for that ad, this transformation may be lost. For each target ad, provide different website landing pages that correspond to the reason the user was targeted.

Contact High Five Media for an advertising agency in OKC.


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