How to Improve Security of a Commercial Website

Having a commercial site or mostly known as e-commerce site is certainly a great business move. While designing and developing a business site, the owner must be incredibly careful of maintaining the security of the site. As most people visiting and accessing your website are your consumers it is your duty to protect consumer data and your business information. You can ask your web development company to incorporate security measures to protect a commercial website.

Trusted SSL certificate

If you have any payment method implemented on your website, try SSL form or data encryption for information protection. All the certificates are not similar. Google has launched a new and unique system where they will give a little boost to the sites that are using SSL. It will help the companies who have entered the market recently and trying to make money keeping pace with the increased demand. When you have payment methods, entrust only reputed SSL supplier.

Administrative Success

To make the website tightly secured you should control the administrative access. The people who access the website should have unique login. It will help you to monitor and control what they are doing on the site. Smaller companies often share access details with everyone who is working on the site but it opens the door for potential criminal exploitation.

Limited Data Storage

Have limited amount of data stored on the servers. It will help prevent data breach. The cyber criminals always look for customer information, having a lot of them stored will make you a soft target. Remove data from the server and move criminals’ attention off your site.

Check the customer information captured on the website. Check how much data is stored to the server and for long it stays there. All information regarding credit card, expiry date or security codes should not be stored on the server and will passed to the service directly that is using the credit card.

Updated Software

You should keep the software, the scripts or anything else installed updated. Hackers always target flawed websites and try to find out security loopholes. Without all security patches installed your website will be vulnerable to criminal attack.

Strong Policy

You should use strong passwords. The hackers use different software to break passwords using brute force. To protect the password from brute force, you should use uppercase and lowercase letters, special characters and numbers. Use a password of at least 10 characters. Maintain the policy for all in your organization.

Secure Host

Always choose a reputable hosting company. This is supremely essential when you are giving website security top priority. The host company should be aware of the threats and ways of website breach and will always work to give you a secured platform. The host will always back up your data to a remote server for easy restoration if needed.

A Clean Website

Database, plug-in or applications are the entry points of your website for the cyber criminals. Remove all database, file and applications from the website that are not in use. You should also keep an organized file structure for keeping track of the changes.

At High Five media in OKC we will put our best foot forward to keep your commercial website protected. Visit our web development company and describe your need.


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