How to Improve UX Design as an SEO Strategy

You will not always get direct advice from your search engine about what to do with your business and its website. The search engine always provides tips on SEO or search engine optimization. But it almost always pays direct insight. The insight is all about placing a website in a good rank. But do you know what tips for user experience design or UX. Here are the tips for eCommerce SEO practices.

Your goal is to achieve the rank, here are powerful ways to implement the elements that boost SEO along with higher rankings, better user satisfaction and sales figure.

Boast an Intuitive Site Structure

Site structure holds immense importance for the eCommerce retailer. You should give the site an optimal structure or web design and will have to spend for that.

URL Structure

This should align with your site’s navigation scheme. When URLs are messy or nonsensical, consumers can have a difficult time sifting through various products and categories. Providing a straightforward structure greatly enhances SEO value and usability for consumers. To effectively implement clean URLs, Google suggests:

The URL structure and the site’s navigation should be aligned with each other. When the URLs are scattered or do not make any sense, consumers would have issues to go through the different products and categories. If you have a straightforward structure and web design, it will enhance SEO value and utility of consumers. You can follow these suggestions –

  • Readable URL build up

  • Use hyphens

  • Stay under the limit of 70 characters when possible

  • Use relevant keywords

  • Apply relevant, targeted keywords.

No Sliders and Carousel Links

Previously, the eCommerce web designs come up with large carousels and sliders. They were often put on the home pages and eat up the prime position on the website. You can still find such examples. If your site has similar layout, you should remove carousels right now. Make it a part of the history. Google’s eCommerce UX playbook says that it is evident that only 1% of customers click on a slider or carousel on a web page. The fact is if they are not getting clicked, there is no point to keep them on the prime position. It is better to replace them with something important and relevant.

Descriptive CTAs

In the eCommerce UX playbook of Google, CTAs or calls-to-action has a major roleplay. You should have lots of CTAs as it is an important part to encourage the customer conversion – but Google advises something more. It says to use descriptive CTAs. This will help the customers to understand where they are going. When it is done, the customers to enter the targeted page on the website rather than visiting a wrong page and leaving your site.

Guest Checkout

There are still many websites who insist the customers to create an account if they wish to purchase something. There are multiple reasons for doing this. When your customers have accounts, they may get good customer service. They will also get information with the follow-up marketing.

Functional and User-friendly Site Search

You may not know how many visitors are there or expected number of visitors may search your online store. Therefore, you should have a design that is user-friendly and convenient. The users will no longer spend time to find what are they looking for.

Contact High Five Media for web design in OKC. We would help you to understand the SEO strategies better and ways to implement them.


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