How Video Marketing Can Boost Your Small Business?

First of all, most video producers have approximately 30% of the solution required for every small business. You have to do the other 70%, or someone to do it for you. Why? Well the benefits of video production may take your business to a new height. It's what you're doing with video, and that's all about the distribution and landing page. Our advice is therefore this: pay only about 30% of your attention to the production of videos. The rest will follow!

These days you have a variety of options to produce video. There's only a few here:

  • Local experts on video-You find companies like Jivox, Turnhere,Spotmixer and Adfare – to name but a few! – specializing in video for small and local businesses and offering you a solution that is turn-key for producing a variety of formats and durations. The prices are generally good and concentrate on a fast turnaround of web-friendly videos. In the Google BioSearch results, you will find these guys.

  • Video companies with mid-to-large businesses- You will find that these companies are less tailored to a rapid turnaround and a low-cost option, and their historically high production value often looks more like "advertising," with less of a personal connection. Those guys are in the magazines, the media, the marketing rags and also Google PPC results with glossy ads.

    Videographer small and local, one-man bands, colleagues, etc. With technological advances, which make it cheaper and easier for smaller businesses, the video you want is the same as a single-man band, as you are from a bigger business video specialist. These guys are available through word of mouth, Google Organic results, and Twitter, LinkedIn, or services.

  • You can even do that yourself, DIY –Take a camera or even a camera telephone, and talk only about your company. This is everything it takes for a perfect video production.

High quality does not bring customers for local and small businesses (actually, high production quality can alienate customers as much!). This will sniff traditional videographers, but it's simple, up to earth production that really has the biggest impact on your prospects. The objective is a "good, but not too polished" outcome. Your video should be genuine, real and ground-based. You lose that personal link with people as soon as it gets too polished, and they will see it as advertising. Handover the responsibility to High Five Media for a flawless video production campaign.

There is a great deal of science and research to determine the "ideal" length of video ads in a short format, but there is no exact formula. The rule of thumb is that you need to be about 30 seconds north to provide the necessary information for a contact and about 3 minutes south so that everyone is not bored with tears. There are, of course, exceptions like any rule, but remember that it means getting interested and encouraging a click or a contact. In one video, you don't have to say all that. There are as many formats as companies, but you can divide them into a few general styles approximately. Ask us at High Five Media in OKC.


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