Smoothing the Path of Customer's Experience the Right Way

It is likely wise to preface a game plan before you embark on a company-wide initiative. In many cases, it is a great starting point to create a customer travel map. Any step your customers take to interact with your company is outlined by a customer tour map. This includes commitments, such as social media, online advertising and customer service cases, which go beyond just buying the product.

Make sure you consider a range of views from your internal stakeholders when building your map. Customer insights are integrated in all parts of your company so it is important that you have opinions from all your staff members.

The pre- and post-sale aspects of customer experience also need to be taken into account. Although it may be tempting to concentrate mainly on the interactions that lead to sales, it is equally vital to develop a complete client experience after the sales process. Consider different points of contact with which the customer interacts and how these experiences impact the perspective of the customer.

By mapping these interactions in one spectrum, it makes visualizing the entire customer experience easier for employees across your organization. It improves their individual understanding of the needs and expectations of customers, because they can determine exactly where their work will influence the journey of customers.

With this understanding, your managers can quickly analyze the differences between their desired performance and current productivity and refocus on new areas that could improve your customer experience. Advertising agency experts know how customers’ journey is created from building trust to making them potential buyers. Here’s what you should do.

Get Your Employees Up and Running

Much of the experience of a customer may be attributed to those with whom they interact during their purchases. If employees think that they don't have or feel underestimated the tools they need to do their job effectively, their performance can deteriorate.

If current customer expertise is not matched, you can elevate your employees with proper tools:

  • Identify common pain points for employees using tools for feedback

  • Review of the systemic process currently in place (from contact center protocol to CRM software).

Customer experience can also be dampened by employees who do not meet company culture's expectations. To assess that the value and tone of company culture for each customer are understandable and adhered to your top management and other employees. Positive employee experience can improve the chances of pleasing customer experiences.

Check Your Customer Experience and Analyze Feedback

Since every facet of your business affects the journey of customers, it is imperative that your audit not focus on just one department. As we mentioned earlier, customers have a certain way to interact with each part of your business, so you need to consider the uniqueness of each of your internal departments in order to get an overview of CX.


Your marketing team will probably concentrate on acquiring customers so that they get the best insight into brand consciousness and users' expectations. They will understand what your visitors consume and what the most skilled leads will generate. Checking your marketing team will help you understand how people find your company and what you can do to shape your reputation for sales. Hire a credible advertising agency to make sure your marketing process runs well.


In the early stages of the customer relationship, sales will have insight. They are on the frontlines with the customer and reveal the truly motivating aspects of their interactions. Members of the sales team will find out what challenges customers face every day and how they expect to address these obstacles for your product/service. Your sales team can help you understand what your product offer leads to the missed opportunity for leads which do not become customers.

Service to Customers

It is important to be aware that what you communicate in your sales and marketing processes actually matches the real experiences of your customers. Your client service and success team can give you an insight in this reality because it is typical for feedback and product frustrations as the first communication line. You hear honest customer feedback on a daily basis, so you welcome their view of what makes your customers most irritated.

Ask us at High Five Media in OKC to know how to improve customers’ experience.


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