Step by step guide to make your website GDPR compliant

Since May 25th, GDPR should be an inextricable part of your website. It is mandatory that your website needs to adhere to the rules of the GDPR. Some of the web development companies also started to follow this principle. If you are not already prepared, you should follow this article to get the easy guides to make your website GDPR compliant.

Let’s delve more profound in the matter.

STEP-1 Update to the latest version of word press

The latest version of the word press has lots of privacy settings. Just make sure that you are updated your word press and already have installed it to set yourself up for the GPDR compliance success. There is a plethora of privacy features have been added in this update.

STEP- 2- Update the privacy policy

There is an auto-generated policy in the word press previously, which is good. The requirement of the services and the plug-ins you use on your website should need to be updated. The policy will include the disclosures of all the cookies and the data collected from your website.

STEP-3 – Disclose your using of the cookies

Some of the web development company has propagated that Cookie law is essential for your website, and you should make your website cookie law compliant. To be precise, you should disclose your entire cookie, followed by the privacy policy. You can add disclosure of cookie and acceptance notice at the home page/landing page of your website so that the visitor knows about it. There is plenty of plug-ins in WordPress, which will help you out to add the cookie notice on your website.

STEP-4- Keep an option for the users to keep/delete their info

Previously, we mentioned that WordPress 4.9.6 has easy options for user data management. It means that if a user requests you to keep their information or to delete it, you can do it. To do it, you need to create a contact form to get in touch with your users. You can install a contact form plug-in, which would be beneficial for you.

STEP-5- Send your users notifications about the policy updates

This is the last part of the GDPR Policy update, and data breach notifications play a pivotal role that you need to follow to comply with GDPR. You can send your users information about the automated policy updates or the data breaching.

If you are running a business in OKC with your Word Press designed website and want to make it GDPR compliant, then come to us. Our web development company named High Five Media, will update your website to not face any glitches in the future. Contact us to get a free consultation.


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