The 2021 Web Design Trends to Look For

The pressure is on for web design trends to keep up. As we prepare to put 2020 in the rearview mirror, web designers are creating additional rooms in their brains to see where the trends are likely to be in the future. Certainly, there is no shortage of inspiration on the web, as well as new styles being experimented with and old styles being adapted thanks to new technological advancements.

And designers aren't the only ones who want to stand out from the crowd and grab a piece of the growing market; clients want the same thing. While new web designs are important, we're looking at what they can do for a site in terms of ethos, brand memorability, and cutting-edge style rather than just new designs. As more and more talented designers emerge, the web design trends of 2021 are sure to shake off the shackles of a year most would prefer to forget. So, let’s have a look at some of them!

Incorporate Cartoon Illustrations into Your Web Design

A new web design trend for 2021 is cartoon illustrations, which isn't exactly new but is still popular and on the rise in popularity. Cartoon animations on television have always reflected the artistic trends of the day, and they still do today, despite their long history. Consequently, the use of cartoon illustrations in web design grew in popularity as a result of this natural development.

Illustrations give designers the freedom to let their imaginations run wild and take them to places they'd never have thought of. It's been growing for a few years, and it looks like it's going to stick around for quite a while yet. Caricature illustrations are highly adaptable, can be used as a focal point of a website or as a decorative element, and form a natural bond with the viewer. The examples below show a variety of styles and uses, all of which are good, all of which are cool, and all of which are ready for the 2021 web design trends.

Web Design with 3D and Depth Effect

Web design trends are indicating that 2021 will be the year of 3D in spades. As a result of improved software, this trend has emerged. It's an example of design and technology working together. From typography to images, everything is becoming 3D. 3D creates a sense of depth and immersion that draws the viewer into the design. To keep the viewer on the page, gradient coloring, shading, and shadow effects are employed. If you add in other trends, such as movement and animation, the sites are going to become even more hypnotizing. Take a look at this fine collection of examples to see what we mean exactly.

Noise, Glitch, and Distortion in Web Design

To this, we can add mismatching, randomness, flaws and malfunction, blurred and out of focus – in other words CHAOS. Web design trends for 2021 will be characterized by a sense that not everything is as it should be, or as it is expected to be. Our strange times, design reflecting reality- we don't need to go into too much detail, but it's safe to say that this is a fascinating move.

We'll see mixed typography, random spacing and image placement, strange color themes (or no themes at all), and sites held together by the fact that they're not held together at all. But in a way it's anti-design, if you know what we mean. By challenging the viewer to make their own interpretation, 2021 makes a potentially significant statement about where we are in our lives right now.

Web Design from the 90's

In times of uncertainty, people often yearn for the past, for the good old days, for a time when everything was perfect. Even though the '90s aren't exactly vintage, the rise of Windows and the advent of computers in the '90s are definitely old school. It's been long enough since the '90s to remember the good things, but not long enough to forget the bad.

Integration of 90s style into web design is one of the most creative uses of retro available today. You can't help but be impressed by it, even if it's strangely alien to the younger generation, but it's familiar enough to make the older ones smile. It's brilliant how they combine the very basic structures and codes of the past with today's technology. Are we going to see this on a larger scale in 2021? We certainly hope so.

Make the most of your web design by hiring experts from High Five Media in OKC. Just share with us how you want your business website to be, the rest is our responsibility. We promise that we will never let you down.


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