Which Is the Best Programming Technology for Web Development?

A website that's fully functional and highly scalable is what every business is looking for. Since there are many programming languages available in the market, you may find it difficult to choose the right programming technology for your website and web applications. You can also contact OKC web development company to help you.

PHP, Python and Ruby are three of the most popular programming languages available at the current time. Jere in this article, we will help you provide clarity over selecting the right language for your web development.

Whether it's Python or Ruby, each language has its own benefits and limitations and was developed with different purposes.

  • PHP

PHP is a type of server-side programming language and hugely popular. It's been used widely to develop websites and web apps for business. Since it's been there for approximately 20 years, it's predominantly dominated most of the markets. A survey says that more than 80 million websites are using the PHP programming language.

When it comes to advantages, all the components of PHP are free to use simply because it's an open-source language. Apart from that compared to others, it's more easy to use and learn, making the development process simpler.

  • Python

Python has been considered as a popular programming language and has been in the market since the 1990s. It's mainly designed to focus on code readability. Its remarkable features enable data analysis and visualization. Web apps such as YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest use it as a back-end framework for their websites.

One of the biggest advantages of python is - its extensive libraries eliminate the need for writing manual codes. Apart from that, it offers easy debugging. You can also consider hiring a good web development company to help you in this regard.

  • Ruby

Ruby on Rails was originally created as an alternative to Java. It's an object-oriented programming language that has gained its popularity over the years. It's basically used by both small and large scale businesses which are looking for developing creative and interactive web apps.

Just like the PHP programming language, Ruby on Rails is easy to learn but takes time to gain expertise in it. When it comes to developing any solution, it requires less code.

Find a Web Development Company

If you're looking for a web development company in OKC, you should consider High Five Media. We have the competency to set your business apart. Call us today or visit our website to learn more about us.


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