5 Video Email Marketing Hacks for the Expert Marketer

Video email marketing is an endeavor that goes like ketchup on eggs - some adore it while others are a little confused at best. Every marketing firm knows that video content is an integral part of any sensible company’s everyday marketing routine. In fact, studies revealed that 92% of marketers rely expressly on videos to engage with their target audience.

But aren’t videos and email two entirely different tools? How is marrying the two going to go? Let us explain below.

Tips to Better Yourself at Video Email Marketing

  • Powerful CTA in Video Landing Page

Embedding a video in the email for the recipients to watch on the screen itself is not a good practice and is met with a frown by most email providers. But have you ever thought of how that is actually good for you? You want the subscribers to complete an action that doesn’t benefit from them staying in the inbox. Another issue is the distortion that most mobile users will face when playing the video, and you should really know that no video is better than a bad video.

Also, in most mobile configurations, the video takes over the entire screen when played. This means that your viewers do not get to see the CTA.

The solution then? Embed the video thumbnail into the email and link it to a landing page. The inclusion of the landing page ensures that the leads are not restricted to the email only. The video coupled with the call to action-s are doubly as effective in pushing the customer down the sales funnel.

  • Upsell Current Customers Using Video Email Marketing

We appreciate the hustle to pursue the targeted client pool but what about your current clientele? It is equally, if not more important to ensure that you keep generating revenue from the existing customers. You will also want to increase the revenue from the database.

According to research conducted by the most reputed marketing firms, the probability of selling your products or service to a new prospect lies between 5 to 20%. This number jumps to 60 to 70% when the pool is changed to existing customers.

Remember that the best market may be the one you already have. This rings particularly true for video email marketing.

  • Practice the Correct Method to Share Your Video

Videos cannot be embedded into email newsletters by simply inserting a link, streaming for YouTube, or even uploading the file. You will need to host the video in your company’s services or via a CDN (Content Distribution Network).

Reiterating what we already said - no video is better than one that does not even open.

  • Make Sure to Add a Personal Touch

Personalized videos can elevate your campaigns to the next level. A personal touch adds value to any form of communication with the client. To safeguard your video content against plagiarism, you can employ watermarks and add company or CEO names.

Not only does personal branding bridge the gap between the organization and those ready to invest in it, but the practice can also double as an analytical tool. Pay attention to who watched your video and who did not, and then try to understand what prompted them to make that decision.

  • Inculcate Disability-Friendly Content

Do not be an ableist prick. Make sure that your content, video or not, is accessible to those with disabilities. Add text to speech for visually impaired people and always add subtitles for those with hearing problems.

How Can High Five Media Help?

Choose a marketing firm that understands you like no other. High Five Media’s crew has executed hundreds of profitable marketing campaigns for all sorts of businesses - big and small. Learn more about us by visiting our website.


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