Know These 5 Incredible Benefits of Programmatic Advertising

To describe it simply, programmatic advertising is the term for the automatic process where digital media is brought via real-time bidding. The media inventory is automated for buying and selling such that you don’t need to.

In traditional advertising, the media inventory is only bought and sold manually. For example, ad networks buy digital impressions from websites and apps and then pack them anew to be sold to the advertiser with little promise of transparency or control.

Programmatic advertising and buying are significantly faster and more efficient. What’s more, they are also more inexpensive compared to other media buying options.

Given below are 5 benefits of programmatic advertising that advertising agencies have discovered in their time. It also explains why so many brands are making the switch from traditional to programmatic.

#1 Better Transparency and Control

Marketers associate a level of transparency with programmatic advertising that is MIA in the traditional counterpart. Programmatic advertising allows you to monitor the specific sites your advertisements are reaching. You can also see the type of customer who views your ads and additional ad-space costs in real-time. What this means is that the advertiser can optimize their content on the fly, and just generally be more aware of what goes behind the scenes of their marketing practices.

#2 Real-time Reporting and Data Measurement

Every marketer and advertiser have dreams of real-time reporting and data measurements. Programmatic advertising gives you exactly that. You get to track the performance of your creatives, content, and strategies from the moment of the launching of the campaign. In stark contrast to traditional marketing, advertising agencies no longer have to wait until the end of the campaign to gauge how well it is doing.

#3 Optimized Efficiency

When a marketer has the means to monitor and customize the entirety of the campaign without interference from traditional advertising, the overall efficiency skyrockets. Not only do you have complete rein over adjustments and optimizations, but you also have a say in target customers and the campaign budget.

#4 Improved Targeting

Programmatic advertising and targeting are often used in the same breath. The increased control and flexibility simplify the process of reaching target customers for any given goal. IP targeting, geolocation targeting, and contextual keywords are some of the best examples.

Another important point to discuss here is the concept of retargeting. Studies show that only a measly 2% of the customers convert their first time visiting a website. Retargeting allows marketers to pursue the remaining 98% and encourage them to convert.

#5 Greater Audience Reach

The final benefit of programmatic advertising is the greater audience reach it promises. Given the 3.5 billion people that can be found on the internet at any given time, your marketing efforts have the potential to reach millions of people. It is a good practice to narrow your strategies down to those consumers, but this substantial volume of impressions is no doubt impressive and plays a part in growing the business.

Advertising that is Intentionally Different

High Five Media is a digital marketing agency in Oklahoma City that has an impressive arsenal of tactics to set your business apart from the competition. We make sure that our client’s vision is executed as perfectly as can be. Getting started with us is now easier than ever, visit our website or drop us a line at our phone number!


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