Exclusive: Ultimate Guide of B2B Marketing in 2021

Effective marketing strategy needs to be done in a way so that it has a resonance effect on your audience’s mind. Otherwise, it will dwindle over time. However, developing a marketing strategy appropriately will save you from getting caught on the wrong foot.

Here, your audience plays an instrumental role. That is why, you should understand your target audience first. Based on that, you can set your target market. According to OKC’s marketing firm evangelist, hitting the target market with a goal will ultimately bring your desired result.

Marketing to individual buyers and marketing to business- these two are entirely different, which is what B2B marketing exists. By the end of this article, you will learn the best practices of B2B marketing strategy. In turn, you will get consistent streams of new leads, customers, and 2X better revenue.

B2B marketing strategies

As it is said earlier, the audience plays a pivotal role in marketing. Before we take a leap on the main topic, let’s be clear about the buyer’s journey. It is a 6-stage funnel.


This stage involves pulling all the potential customers into the funnel by creating awareness about your brand, its product, and its solution to the consumers. How to build awareness? Let’s say you are the CEO of brand “X.” Recently, a new disinfectant has been launched under the name of your brand. Now, you will create a campaign including your product that clearly states how your product is effective in killing germs. The whole scenario is considered as an awareness program.

However, you can now leverage the paid promotions on social media and SERP. It will help you to get quicker and more organic results.


At this stage, you will nurture the interest among the audience. To do this effectively, you have to retarget the visitors on social media based on the pages they were exploring. Tools like Facebook Pixels, LinkedIn Insight Tags, Twitter Tags track the visitors’ activities on your website. Consequently, you can reach them again with the aid of targeted ads based on the previous actions.


Here, your objective will be to make your audience take action on the landing page. Landing pages play a key role in lead generation. For this reason, your page design, content, CTA should be done in a way so it lures your customers on the page. Some of the effective CTA examples are-

  • Join our network

  • Sign me up

  • Join us

  • No hidden fees

  • Request a callback


Now, keep the leads engaged with informative and actionable marketing content like blog posts, articles, case studies, customer testimonials, etc. Introduce your sales team to nurture qualified leads. This stage is critical as it decides how far the conversation will go between you and your customer.


Already, you have a list of prospective leads. Now, your marketing firm’s sales team will head-on and talk to the leads by sending them emails. As the leads know about your brand, they may show interest in your brand. If the whole thing is done correctly, the consumer will interest in talking with the sales representative.


At the final stage, a lead converts into a customer as they have already committed to your company’s business engagement. The whole journey involves lots of factors like budget constraints, time, decision-makers, etc. This is not something elitist pursuit done in ivory towers.

B2B digital marketing strategy

Irrespective of the business nature, digital marketing has left its mark on this industry. To be precise, digital marketing is interwoven with B2B marketing. It comprises SEO (search engine optimization), paid ads, a professional-looking website, and any other place where your company is active. Following are the strategies –

⮚ Define your target audience

⮚ Create a professional-looking website

⮚ Make your website more enticing and engaging with on-page SEO and off-page SEO techniques

⮚ Run PPC campaign

⮚ Build up a social media presence

⮚ Put more attention on content marketing

Ending note

B2B marketing is all about understanding the psychology of the buyer. You need to be analytical in order to cater as per buyer persona. Otherwise, it will be like finding a needle in the haystack. Although, we are here for you to guide you towards the right path. At High Five Media, marketing professionals are always ready to feed you the right strategies. What are you waiting for? Before your competitor reaches the next step of marketing, you reach us. Call us today.


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