How Will the Future of Advertising Orchestrate Revenue Castle?

“Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it”. – S Leacoc

Intelligence and advertising- both of these are entangled with each other. In The Early days of the internet, businesses were making money by selling ads on the market. Intelligent personnel curates those ads with the aid of his/ her own creativity. However, plenty of water has been flown over the ocean and the advertising agencies of OKC targeted the online market. In a way, targeting and retargeting the market is becoming easier.

Although, users are adding ad-blocker add-on for their obnoxious behavior. It is that effective to stop advertising on social media as well. In turn, advertisers cannot reach the audience.

Now, if the advertising wants to shine brightest, agencies should figure out the blocker’s nature. High Five Media has taken the opinion of the industry jargon. Here are their opinions-

Focusing on Consumer utility

Reaching the audience is the main fundamental that needs to be properly executed. Being a brand, your primary agenda is to feed effective and valuable information to your audience. By using different channels and strategies, this can be done. People will react to the advertisements when they realize advertisements are also in their best interest.

Increased personalized advertisement

Most people block online advertisements as they are either irrelevant or contain explicit images/information. Advertising agencies should curate the ad in a way so it can deliver value to the consumers. Bear in mind, people love precise, enticing, and immersive content. To understand buyer’s mentality, companies may organize a survey or an online poll. Based on the data, individuals can curate advertisements impregnated with eye-catching graphics and valuable data.

Wake of audio and endorsed ads

With the advent of technology, audio advertisements are the new addition to reach people with the aid of integrated voice. Like if we ask you “Would you mind listening to a 30-second ad while listening to your favorite marketing podcast?” Maybe that advertisement has some valuable information, which you are seeking earlier. Yes, audio advertisements are helpful if it is used wisely. Below a graphical representation will help you to understand how audio advertisements are ruling the market since its inception.

Source: US Podcast Ad Revenue Report by IAB and PwC

As mentioned in the graph, you can see the exponential growth of revenue over time. To drive conversions and reach an effective audience, there is no better way than audio advertising. Besides, brands will also get the required elevation and that too in a stipulated time.

Urge to experience effective content

Nowadays, people want informative content in order to discover something new to them. So, they will hunt for sumptuous content on the internet. To shed more light on their inquisitive mind, descriptive content blended with the tricky advertisements will do the work. Here, it will act like killing two birds with one stone. People will get their required information by clicking on the advertisement link.

However, content should be curated in a way so that it lures the customers to explore the advertisement. The best way to put the ad either in between the content or at the end of it. Using a CTA would be an intelligent effort.

Collaboration with the publishers

Working together helps to find the ways by which immersive and enthralling content can be fed to the audience. It improves the overall quality of the advertisement and targeting the audience becomes easier. Are you thinking of doing the same? Well, you have already got the notion of marketing.


Advertisement is the primary ingredient of internet marketing. This cut-throat competition, it will help to bring organic leads along with increasing CTR rates. Besides, understanding customer behavior will be easier. These strategies have already helped to gain the required exposure for many companies. Now, it’s your turn. When will you build your own castle?


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