How Can SEM Improve Your SEO and Business Promotion?

Search Engine Marketing is so far an effective method among all others for increasing business value when there is a neck-to-neck competition in market. When there are multiple businesses trying to hit the same bull’s eye, the importance of online advertisement has become immensely impactful. There are multiple factors that make SEM or search engine marketing one of the most effective tools for business promotion and growth.

Search engine marketing is a kind of business practice that uses paid advertisements to make the website rank on search engine or to get good Search Engine Page Results. Advertisers try to find out the keywords that users may enter when they are looking for any services or products. This is a scope for the advertisers to grab the opportunity to place their ads strategically with the results of the search queries.

SEM and SEO -The Difference Defined

Typically, the SEM or Search Engine Marketing is a reference to the paid search marketing where businesses pay the search engine to display their ads alongside the results.

When it is SEO or Search Engine Optimization, the businesses do not pay the Google or any search engine for traffic generation or clicks. Instead of they get the ranking in SERP with the most relevant content and most appropriate keyword search.

SEM and SEO both has integral roles to the online marketing tactics and as fundamental parts their role cannot be denied. SEO gives traffic to the site and helps it rank better whereas the SEM is a very much cost-effective way for driving conversions.

See Which Terms Perform Best for Your Brand

Though there are handful of tools associated with SEM and SEO, but SEM keyword research always owns the first place. Competition or popularity between keywords may differ and your brand may get success with a complete new set of keywords than others. This is the place SEM research works.

Google metrics to Check

Click-thru rate (CTR): CTR is the percentage of people who click on the ads to see it. If you have high CTR rates, that means you are hitting the right pulse the search engine users are looking for.

Conversion rate (CR): CR is the percentage of people who purchase from the website through the keywords. A high CR indicates less bounce rate, great organic results and users are spending time on the page to take the service.

Cost-per-acquisition (CPA): CPR is the cost you spend to acquire new clients. A low CPR indicates that your ads are working.

Decide Your Priority

Each of the company has their limitations with budget and time and the target is to get as much as traffic possible within those constraints. If you have multiple products to offer, you must turn to SEM to learn where you need to focus on.

Check the market share of the company – you do not need to invest your time into something that increases marginal sales. See which one among your products are working good in paid search. You may get better SEM to boost the overall ranking or you have to prioritize your SEO efforts for not-so-food SEM to get better search results.

If you have dedicated SEO efforts for a product, try to track down your ranking for better SEM campaign. There are users who like to see both paid and organic search results from a search engine. Even it has been seen that without paid ads, organic listing can get 89% drop in the clicks.

See What Needs to Be Improved

Your SEM efforts are going to reflect on your SEO results. As a result, it will again turn up to the SEM campaigns. These two are those elements that are integral part of online marketing and business promotion. You can see the quality score of different keywords in the paid search campaigns. If you want both SEM and SEO service in OKC, you can contact High Five Media.


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