How to Increase Conversion Rate Via LinkedIn?

If you are a business owner and run your business online, you should know that 80% of the business-to-business social media leads are generated from LinkedIn. If you are into B2B business and looking to get a good amount of leads via social media, it is the high time you should start optimizing your LinkedIn account. Your business campaigns should be promoted in your LinkedIn profile to get a good amount of conversion rate. You can take help of a digital marketing agency who can ease your burden with their brilliant service.

Before you understand how to campaign your business on LinkedIn, get a clear idea about what conversions goals on LinkedIn are.

What Conversions Goals on LinkedIn Are?

Whatever your conversion goals are, LinkedIn is the best place to campaign and bring in customers. You can earn various types of conversions like:

  • Content downloading

  • Completing forms

  • Sales making

  • Registering for any occasion

If you pay enough heed to LinkedIn promotion, you will be able to bring in a good amount of customers to your website.

However, there are certain things that you must keep in mind while improving your conversion rate for LinkedIn ads.

Account Targeting

Account targeting is the first thing that should be done before running any LinkedIn ad. This allows the advertisers to provide a list of the company names they aim to reach with their ads. This is important in business to business marketing.

Contact Targeting

This is about targeting the customers by providing the email address. Every business has a target audience. Therefore, a scrutiny should be made before campaigning anything in LinkedIn. This is to make sure that the message reaches to the target customers to get a fruitful outcome.

Ways to Generate Conversion Through LinkedIn

1. Targeting the Right Customers

If you aim to generate leads from this social media platform, it is important to aim the right people in the first place. Sometimes, businesses make a big mistake by targeting wrong audience for the ad. Therefore, it leads to a huge loss by missing the potential customers. Make sure that you establish buyers’ persona and target people accordingly. Analyze their demographic information, personal interest, career and profession to be sure that these are your target audience.

2. Creating Attractive Ad Copy

You need to create a brilliant ad copy that can grab customers’ attention easily. If you want people to stop scrolling down whenever you run your ad on LinkedIn, then ad copy should be interesting and attractive enough. Make sure the copy is compelling enough so that the audiences make the purchase.

3. Testing Ad Copy

For driving the best result for your business, it is essential to test your ad copy. The first copy of your ad should always be tested if you desire to get the best end result. This way you can improve your conversion rate via LinkedIn ads.

4. Making Impressive Landing Pages

When a customer clicks on the ad and is directed to your website, make sure he/she doesn’t bounce back. Therefore, work on your landing pages with important information. Otherwise, maintaining a stellar conversion rate will be a problem. Creative ad copy with weak landing pages can have adverse effect on your conversion rate.

If you think that you need to contact to a digital marketing agency for your LinkedIn ads, do not forget to contact High Five Media.


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