How TTFB Is Important in SEO?

If you have a website with a sluggish speed you will be running in loss. It is very important to maintain a good speed of your website so that your customers do not get impatient and bounce back. It will have an adverse effect on your rankings. It is important to improve your site speed and enhance the SEO process. You should start relying on time to first byte or TTFB. This is a metric that affect your rankings and ensure a better user experience. If you do not know how to work with TTFB, this is the guide that can help you. You can also handover the responsibility to a web development company who can complete the work prudently.

What TTFB Is?

The time that is needed to fetch the requested information on the web page after putting the query is measured by TTFB. There are some of the factors that are included in the whole process. Some of those are as follows:

  • The server request depending upon the geographical area and internet connection

  • The time taken to process the request to the server and generate an action

  • Time taken to send the relevant answer to the question

The time is measured to find out the speed of the website. If you get a lower TTFB result, the longer your website takes to fetch information.

Ways to Check TTFB

There are various tools via which you can measure the time the website is taking to fetch relevant search results.

  • Bytecheck is one of the most popular tools for checking TTFB. It shows the pages that are slow separately. Also, the tool will provide you rating on the website’s speed.

  • WebPageTest has more options to offer. You can choose to test the speed based on the location and internet connection.

There are multiple tools that you can use to check for TTFB.

Ways to Improve TTFB

There are ways that you can undertake to improve TTFB. Some of those ways are discussed here.

Indulge in Content Delivery Network

It is a distributed network based on separate geographical locations. It helps the users to download data from the website by using the network node that is closest. The user experience will gradually improve in terms of both downloading and loading of the page.

Optimizing the Application Code

It plays a crucial role in optimizing the website. It helps speeding up the TTFB with helps developing dynamic content. Monitoring of the web server is also possible with the application code.

However, if you think that understanding TTFB is difficult to you, give a call to High Five Media. Our web development company will help you pass every hurdle and boost your SEO for better rankings.


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