Strategies to Promote Grand Opening of a Business

For any business, the opening time is the most crucial one. Whether you are opening a new branch in a new location or it is the first store – effort must be the same. By hitting the right button, you can attract customers to your business. When you apply the right strategy, people will follow you and your business will bloom.

A grand opening helps a business to increase brand awareness and create a customer base. It will also allow for building a customer base, create a great relationship with local business and representatives.

City Bulletins

Most of the cities have their bulletins to advertise community events. You can display an advertisement in a local park or recreational parks. You can also try to promote the grand opening event in the newsletters and official communication places of your state or city. Develop good relationship with city officials. If some of them can show up in your event, it will be a big booster.


Your own network is the most useful place for grand opening. Invite family and friends and encourage them to invite other people to the event. You can try social media and emailer for event invitation. Create an event on Facebook and invite friends using it.

With a digital presence and digital marketing people will get accustomed with the logo and sign of your business. The digital presence of a business has immense possibilities. Do not let it go.

Local Press

Local press is one of the most important components for grand opening strategy. Invite local press to the event. The more coverage the event gets, the better it is for the results. When the local press comes to the event, they will promote it on the media, and it will help you reach more people.

Free Demo

The event should have a free demo or offer of your service. You can make your event a gala one showing your products or service value. You can also encourage guests to use your products.

You can also set a few small-scale competitions at the event place. The winner will be gifted token gifts from your service or discount coupon. This way you can encourage more people to use your service.

Contact High Five Media for digital marketing in OKC. We will help your business to get the maximum attention on the grand opening day.


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