What Are Indexing and Crawling in SERP?

Getting Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) is not an easy task. There are a lot of things involved in the process. The main two aspects that help in achieving SERP are crawling and indexing. These two processes help your website to get better rank on the Google pages. Search engines work to boost the crawling of your website on the Google page.

The crawling process of Google works by finding out your website on the internet and crawl the content of the web pages. It also follows links on the site and creates and index of the websites that were crawled.

The indexing is another part of Google SERP process. The huge database of URLs that Google puts through its algorithm to rank is known as index. You can witness the outcome of these crawling and indexing when the search results page starts putting the name of your website on the top.

Let us know in detail what indexing, and crawling are all about.

Indexing & Crawling- What Are Those?

Crawlability is all about reading and following links on the contents of your side. There are search engine crawlers who work for it. They are often referred as spiders who crawl the space to find out the tons of links across the internet.

Indexability refers to the search engines that shows your website on the search pages. You need to make your site crawlable and indexable to boost your business. You can handover the responsibility to a marketing firm so that indexing and crawling can be done to promote your business.

How Indexing Is Done?

There are several ways of indexing in Google. Some of them are as follows:

  • Use hyperlinks in content as indexing is all about choosing from the links that have been used in your content. When you use hyperlinks, it becomes easier for the crawlers to find out your website and bring them on the top of the SERPs.

  • Use SEO friendly URLs to create backlinks. You should know that backlinks are an important part of content and SEO. Using backlinks helps in indexing.

If you find these things complicated, then you may need to hire a marketing firm who can work for you. Connect to High Five Media in Oklahoma to get your work done.


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