Top 3 Destination Marketing Strategies in 2022

Destination marketing has been a part and parcel of the tourism industry for a while now. Today, it is used by hotels, restaurants, online travel aggregators (OTAs), and even the government to boost tourism in their cities and countries.

As you may have already guessed by now, the approach undertaken by marketing firms for destination marketing focuses on advertising specific locations. The goal is to impress the traveler enough that they visit the destination. It also includes tactics to increase the tourist’s awareness of the locale.

Destination marketing makes use of subtle call to actions to pique the tourists’ interest. A major part of the process emphasizes making sure the marketing content remains evergreen. This paves the way for sustainable tourism for longer periods of time even after old hotels and resorts have closed down and new ones have come up in their place.

3 Best Destination Marketing Strategies

#1 Strategic Destination Branding

Strategic destination branding approached a destination as if it were a brand. The research uncovered when applying this particular type of branding can be used for future marketing campaigns. While yes, the research, planning, and execution can be extensive and rather tiresome, it is one of the most sustainable approaches to destination marketing that is out there. The first step is to identify the products that the destination has to offer, then you will work on identifying the target audience. Once done, you will be tasked with developing the brand tone.

#2 Focus on Unique Selling Propositions

First of all, you may ask what is a unique selling proposition? Abbreviated to USP in marketing circles, it means unique attractions and benefits that only that particular destination can offer. When you put your case in front of the traveler, these are the factors that you train the spotlight on. USPs help the traveler realize how one destination stands out from another. USPs can be specific or broad, you are free to focus on any as long as they define the location. Figuring out the USPs is likely going to be an energy and resource-intensive endeavor. On finally having figured out the key USPs, it is time for you to gauge the best content channel for it.

#3 Focus on Key Markets

Focusing on the key markets of destination marketing refers to the strategy of focusing on the needs and wants of the traveler and then molding the destination’s value to provide for those requirements. Following the marketing firm identifying how the traveler’s demands align with the values provided by the destination, a conceptual framework is formulated. This conceptual framework, when used to the best of its means can be an effective tool to advance marketing ploys. Depending on who the message is meant for, the marketeers can whip up a whole list of USPs for the targeted demographic.

Marketing that is Intentionally Different

High Five Media is a marketing firm, a cut above from old world, conventional advertising. We make sure that our client’s requirements are upheld at every step of the marketing process. Are you ready to set your business apart from the crowd? Ring us up at 405-725-1709! You can also visit our office located in Joel McDonald Drive, Oklahoma City.


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