What Should You Know About Core Web Vitals?

Every business company tries to please Google to stay in a higher rank in organic search ranking. They also try to find out the algorithm which is responsible for their ranking position in search engines. Many companies applied a few tricks like uploading content constantly and using an SEO service to rank in a higher position. But Google made an update in 2020 so that you can update on your own as a marketer. Here, we have discussed the Core Web Vitals of Google so that you can improve the rankability and user experience on the site within Google search.

What Are Core Web Vitals?

Google also calls core web vitals as page experience signals and also adds them to the list of ranking factors. They will combine both previous UX-related signals and Core Web Vitals. According to Google, page experience is a set of signals. It helps to measure how the user understands the experience of interacting with a web page.

Page Experience Metrics

Google wants users to get a better experience. Google also has outlined a few items as important elements so that the user gets the information quickly and securely. The following are:

  • Safe browsing - Any type of malware or deceptive content will not be present.

  • Mobile-friendliness - How well the users appreciate the looking of the website and operate it on mobile easily.

  • HTTPS - Google also ensures the security of the data which is submitted through the website.

  • Core Web Vitals - FID, CLS and LCP.

The Importance of Web Vital Metrics

Google wants to show its users the best search result according to their requirements. For that reason, they also use a variety of metrics so that they can measure a good user experience and organize them into the ranking algorithm. As a result, the users can visit the best webpage.

It is an important element because it helps to focus on the user experience of a web page specifically. If any type of webpage cannot pass the test of Google, then the webpage cannot rank higher in the organic search results so easily. Consequently, the company loses its desired traffic and also the visibility within Google’s search engine.

How to Find the Poor-Performing URLs of Core Web Vitals?

There are various ways to find out the problem. You can verify your domain within Google Search Console to find the poor-performing URL. According to the research, Google also has added a Core Web Vitals section to their GSC platform. You can also use a page experience testing tool such as Lighthouse if you are doing on-the-fly optimizations.

The tools will help you to show your core web vitals score. It also tells you what elements you need to improve to increase the performance metrics and user experience. If you cannot find the problem, then you can hire a professional SEO service as soon as possible to fix the problem.

Contact Us

As a website owner, you may know a little bit about SEO or other important elements of the website. But that does not mean you can handle all the situations and provide your users a better experience. If you notice that your website cannot rank higher in the organic search result then contact High Five Media in OKC.


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